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As of my last Rant, I had just vindicated myself in the eyes of Sunnyvale; all my cars that were visible from the street were drivable, registered and insured (including the Riley, under a cover and in the car port).
This sense of well-being lasted for two days, but I saw it coming. The day after my personal Code enforcement officer had deemed me compliant, I had retrieved the ex-Allen Dubberley Texas pipe trailer from it's secret hiding place near Watsonville. Within hours of having this behemoth parked in front of our house, my reality-challenged neighbor was back at it again, taking pictures of the trailer prior to me loading the Europa on to it to go to the Track Day.
This went on for two days, one picture in the morning, one again in the afternoon. By the second day she suspected I may be on to her, so she began employing some very crafty stealth surveillance techniques such as walking down the other side of the street and then crossing over, or having her preschool-age son walk down and take a picture, and then run home. 
I was largely amused by all of this, that is until the cops arrived as I was loading up the Europa. Correction, the cops arrived as I was frantically mopping up 5 gallons of gasoline that had dumped out when the gas tank drain plug was torn out as the Europa fell off the trailer. Lucky for me, this disaster escaped being captured on film or I'm sure it'd end up on America's Most Stupid Car Guys. And now you know why I didn't make it to the last Track Day.
But back to the cops. Turns out  that commercial vehicles (such as the trailer) may only be parked on a Sunnyvale street for 72 hours. Thankfully Mrs. Nutball was aware of this and notified the au
thorities before I transgressed into child slavery. 
So if excessive trailer parking were my only crime this would have been over & done with in a jiffy, but it turns out that I was also "Racing the Europa up and down the street, creating excessive noise and with expired registration". Once I stopped laughing  at the incredulity of her baseless claims I started the Europa so the police could verify that it was in fact, very quiet. The registration and insurance were shown to be current and accuate,  and the matter was closed. 
Once again, all was quiet for about a week, till one morning there was a familiar knock at the front door. My personal Code enforcement officer was there to deliver a complaint about the Riley being on jackstands (in carport, under cover).  This time however, since he had just seen this car drive around the block not two weeks prior,  Nancy convinced him of the importance of preventing bias-ply tires from getting flat spots by keeping them off the ground. Case closed. 
We'll see how long this lasts.
~ Daren
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