Thunderhill West July 6

After a hugely successful 5 mile track outing, your friends at the GGLC have rented the new 2-mile course at Thunderhill West for Monday July 6. Come celebrate our nation’s birthday with speed and style on the twisty course. We will run our usual format with Beginners and Novices grouped in the same session, and Intermediate and Advanced drivers in their own sessions. Beginner drivers (zero days experience) will have a coach assigned to them. Intermediate drivers should have a minimum 10 track days experience or equivalent.

Price for this event is $165 for members and $185 for non-members and includes lunch provided by the Thunderhill Grill. You can get an additional $10 off if you run a GGLC Trackdays sticker on your car promise to leave it there until your next GGLC event. Stickers will be available at the event. Membership can be purchased at the time of registration for $25. Cancellations by June 22 will receive full money back. Cancellations after June 22 will receive a raincheck only if this event breaks-even financially. Go to to sign up.

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